How Often to Refresh or Remodel?

McDonald’s encourages their franchises to completely remodel every 20 years [1].

Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park remodeled their kitchen after 25 years [2].

Grocery stores remodel every 7-10 years.

Hotels refurbish every 3-7 years (curtains, bedspreads, etc.).

What are your cycles so that your facilities stay fresh?

Most facilities have different cycles for different projects: refurbishing, remodeling, renovating, rehabilitating. Which cycles does your facility need? Are the cycles part of your strategic planning?


[1] McDonald’s pushes ahead with new look: Remodeling project features seating zones, flat-screen TVs and updated decor designed to drive sales higher plan seems to be working. 2012. Chicago Tribune. Jan 25.

[2] Old Faithful Inn’s Kitchen Renovation At Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. 2012. Food Service Equipment & Supplies. Dec 3,-wyo

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