Markel Insurance: Risk Management News

markelCamp Insurance: Risk Management News. Markel Insurance. Vol 1, 2013. p. 2-3.

Two articles: “Protecting Your Camp from Lightning and Water Damage” and “Controlling Wildland Fire Exposure”

Article, page 2, “Protecting Your Camp from Lightning and Water Damage”

“Markel often experiences increases in lightning and water damage claims during the spring and summer. The average cost of repairing damages associated with these losses in 2011 was approximately $8,500 per event. Restoring damage can result in hours, if not days, of inconvenience. While you cannot prevent storms that cause the destruction, you can take proactive measures to reduce the likelihood of damage occurring at your camp…”

Article, page 3, “Controlling Wildland Fire Exposure”

“Wildland fires are one of the most catastrophic threats to camps, particularly residential camp programs. Protecting your structures from ignition and fire damage is an important program objective second only to a camper evacuation plan. There are a number of proactive measures a camp can take to mitigate the property damage a wildland fire can cause…”

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