Outdoor Properties Reflections

leaf-dropletRecently we took some time for reflection–quite often on long hikes I’m happy to report–on the aspects of running an outdoor operation that we want Lodgepole® to really make a big impact on. What areas give our operators the biggest headaches, and what can we do to make sure our software addresses those challenges? How do we help them achieve a strong return on the investment they make in buying the software as well as the time invested in the data entry to get it going?

We think what we found out will help us serve our customers better and probably give everyone involved a deeper understanding of what a properly utilized Lodgepole® system can help accomplish.

Lodgepole® began in 2001 with one main goal in mind: to help camps, conference centers, horse areas, and similar outdoor properties to better manage their resources, thereby helping them flourish and better serve their participants. Outdoor properties provide powerful, unique opportunities for personal development, building relationships, health benefits, respect for the nature world, and just the fun of it all.

When we started, we were also compelled by our experiences with outdoor communities that were constantly in “survive versus thrive” mode. It wasn’t that owners and directors didn’t want to thrive. In many cases we saw that, try as they might, they just couldn’t make the necessary changes to do so, usually because they were constantly treading water with their day-to-day or season-to-season operational commitments.

In the coming months of newsletters, we’ll share with you a series of short articles outlining what we found during our deep dive. Here’s one insight right up front. As your camp thrives and grows, we see Lodgepole® as your trusted partner on that successful journey. We are committed to the cause and will take that hike side-by-side with you.

More later and happy trails!

“The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today’s work superbly well.” – Sir William Osler

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