Mindful Planning for Peace of Mind

leaf-droplet(Second in a series of reflections relating to sustainable properties.)

Sometimes our open spaces bring some burdens most of us would rather not think upon too often and possibly avoid all together. What follows describes a dream that couldn’t happen because mindful planning didn’t happen.

Joe had always dreamed of living on a tropical island. One day he decided to head to Maui. His family was quite shocked but also fascinated that anyone would act on such an impulse. It helped that he was a dentist and could open a practice and presumably make a good living.

Joe purchased property in a lush and heavily wooded jungle area in the interior of the island. It was the natural paradise he had always imagined.

Pretty much the entire family was thrilled with their new environment, but within a year they were in over their heads. Outdoor projects and maintenance were spiraling out of their control as the sheer size of the land parcel and density of the foliage was too much work for the family to handle.

Joe nearly lost his practice, and the experience had taken a toll on his mental health as he tried to maintain it all. By the time he brought in help it was too late, and he decided to sell the property and return to the mainland. The family was stronger for the experience, but it did end up costing a significant amount of money to make the household moves. Ultimately it was not the uplifting experience they expected.

So peace of mind comes with not only putting ourselves in an environment that will allow us to thrive, but also from mindful planning to handle the realities that play out in that environment, even if they are stressful or unpleasant to us.

It’s important to make a plan and work to the plan because being proactive brings peace of mind. And not just for the present but for future generations as well. Lodgepole® began in 2001 with one goal in mind: to help camps, conference and retreat centers, horse areas, and similar outdoor properties to better manage their resources, thereby helping them grow and better serve their participants.

Not surprisingly, peace of mind and cost savings are two big benefits that Lodgepole software users enjoy. Lodgepole helps many outdoor facilities succeed and is committed making that journey with them. (For a new, one-page sheet graphically showing the benefits of Lodgepole, email info@callippe.com.)

More later and happy trails!

“The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today’s work superbly well.” – Sir William Osler

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