Survey Results-Utilities as a Percentage of Expenses

graph_computer_screenLast month we launched our series that asks an outdoor site or facilities question in a short survey.

Last month’s question was “What is your utility ratio?”, which asked folks to submit their Utilities as a Percent of Expenses.

First thanks to the folks who pulled out their utilities percentage and completed the survey!

Second, in hindsight, summer is an extremely busy time of the year to find data. We need around 30 responses to make any meaningful summaries. Since we had less than 30 people respond, all we can report is the range: 6.4 – 9.6%.

Two comments

  • As a site and facilities professional, it is vital to be aware of the utilities cost – as part of the full operation. It also an essential management tool to see if these utility costs are rising or falling over time, and to understand the cause and effects behind the numbers.
  • For your background information. The average reported in 2012 by ACA’s Business Operations survey was 4% for resident camps and 2% for day camps. Remember that an average aggregates a wide range of numbers. You may have an excellent operation and be higher or lower than the average.

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