Happy New Year – What’s Your Goal for Learning in 2015?

fireworkHow much time did you and your staff spend “learning” in 2014? In 2015, how would you like to change (increase, decrease, stay the same)?

Learning is a combination of formal (attending workshops, classes, trainings, etc.) and informal (reading articles and books, Google searches, conversations, etc.).

How much time should you spend learning? It depends on your needs, career, and priorities.

In the 2013 training report, “Employees averaged 30.3 hours of training in 2012. Employees in BEST organizations used substantially higher amounts of training, averaging 57.7 hours each—an all-time high.” https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/ATD-Blog/2013/12/ASTD-Releases-2013-State-of-the-Industry-Report

In another example, consultants might use one-third of their time towards learning, in order to always bring fresh content for their clients.

“The key to success is to never stop learning. The key to failure is to think you know it all.”

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