Why Facility Managers Need a Thermal Imaging Camera in Their Toolbox

“It used to be the case that this technology only fell into the hands of specialists, notably firefighters using it to see through smoke. But thanks to rapid advancement in technology, and with it reductions in manufacturing cost, thermal imaging cameras are finally within reach for many more people, facilities and businesses. Firms like Seek Thermal and FLIR are producing low cost cameras for consumers, independent professionals, and just about anyone else.

Some devices can be attached to a smart phone and provide a rudimentary step into the world of thermography…”

Read the full article at http://www.worshipfacilities.com/article/why_facility_managers_need_a_thermal_imaging_camera_in_their_toolbox

Michael French. “Why Facility Managers Need a Thermal Imaging Camera in Their Toolbox” Worship Facilities. June 19, 2017

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